My twenty-first Blog 1 Drop of Oregano

One drop of Oregano. I once thought "What could one drop off essential oil do?"

100% pure, and not just any "labelled Pure" essential oil, but a truly 100% pure oil, will do a lot. I soon learned to use some oils sparingly, like Oregano. Talk about a power house.

Yes you can use essential oils in your food.
However on my first try to use Oregano in the kitchen, I used a few drops to season my dinner. I thought I love Oregano so a few drops will be great, normally using a tablespoon of dried Oregano. I enjoyed the smell as my dinner simmered for a moment to let the essential oil incorporate. Then my first taste, it was inedible! The oregano favour was so strong it was unbearable. You should have seen my face. Mouth open and panting like a dog to cool. I dived for the milk to try and cool my mouth. Thinking back I must have looked funny with my tongue hanging out and into the glass of milk. I expect just holding some cold milk in my mouth might have worked better, but there I was with tongue sticking into a full to the edge glass of milk. I learned my lesson, less is more.

I like helping others not repeat the mistakes I have made, Oregano essential oil can with one drop, season a whole pot of sauce. You can take a toothpick, dip it in the bottle and swirl into your food. You can always add more but you can not take it out once it is in there. Also remember to add it to your meal just before it is ready so the Oregano does not evaporate. 

Truly a fresh herbaceous oregano taste without the extra fresh herb going bad in the refrigerator. I love the taste of using Oregano essential oil in my recipes. 

Cleansing surfaces
Less is more, you know I just said that above right? I did not learn that the first time. 

I was not feeling well, being stuffed-up and I was figuring I had a virus and wanting to cleanse the surfaces in my house, I forgot the less is more thing. 
Oregano is so powerful that just one drop in the diffuser with the two drops of OnGuard and two drops of Peppermint would have been perfect. Oregano is strong and great at it's job. 

The cats left the room and hid in the bedroom under the bed. They normally hang by the diffuser choosing to sleep right under it. NOT this day! I do not remember how many drops there were in the diffuser, but it was so strong I opened all the windows (I do not have many) and the screen door and did something I never do. I dumped out the water in my diffuser. I still have no qualms in saying that that the oregano did it's job and the surfaces were cleansed. It cleansed my nose as well...LOL 

Oregano does smell great and can provide a fortifying aroma during a massage but please remember to dilute before any topical application. Remember less is more. Please learn from my mistakes. You do not have to be afraid of Oregano, just know it is powerful, and now you know how to use it properly you will never have any issues. 

Oregano Essential oil is not the same thing as the "oil of oregano" that people take when they have a cold. Oregano essential oil is a lot stronger having not been blended with other things.  

Another reason to use diluted Oregano essential oil topically, is on your skin in a targeted area, it really does have powerful cleansing properties. 

Remember to always start with less essential oil. Using more in an application is likely unnecessary and will waste your essential oils and lover your value for your money. Use small amounts often. Essential oils do not build-up in your body, so use as often as desired for best effect.

Looking forward to helping you on Your Road to ReNew You. Contact me anytime.

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