My Twenty-Second Blog  Scamp

This is my boy Scamp.

We lost Scamp a few yeas ago to lymphoma, essential oils helped him feel better and deal with his symptoms. I am not about to tell you essential oils saved him from cancer. However I am going to share with you about how much Frankincense and ZenGest helped him.

This picture was taken after he had an AromaTouch application with the additional use of targeted acupressure points. He is settled and comfortable here and fell asleep just after the picture was taken, right before he was very uncomfortable and looked quite unhappy. Anytime I have set-up the AromaTouch table for someone to receive a session, he would be on that table before I had the cover sheet spread out. Once he was suffering with cancer he could no longer jump up but still wanted to have a session himself. I had to lift him up, he would stand there looking and expecting until I did. He loved essential oils and how they made him feel. There is a video with him standing on his hind legs, taking bottles off the dinning room table. Such a

Scamp had a large lump in his throat, it was the only outward noticeable physical bump. We thought we caught the cancer early, but it was already throughout his body, so managing was what we were about. 

Scamp was bothered mostly by an upset tummy, general malaise and lethargy. He moved slowly some days and slept most of the time on bad days. 

On the days Frankincense was in the diffuser, he would sleep directly under it, upon waking up, was always much more playful and energetic. I did wonder if it really made a difference, so I tried days with Frankincense and without. The results were always the same. He always was walking around with a happier look on his face, more energy and, even chasing treat balls or his favorite foam balls on days with Frankincense in the diffuser or having had a hands on aroma treatment. 

When he first started allowing me to see his suffering, he would lie beside his sister and myself in bed at night whimpering.  It was so obvious that his tummy was upset. It took me a few nights before I clued-in and went and got the ZenGest/DigestZen (diluted to 25 to 1) and put it on the pads of his toes. Literally, he immediately sighed with relief and went to sleep. He would be calm and truly rest. It made me feel good that I could do something for him.  

I continued to put oils on his pads nightly after that, and he slept well. Sometimes I rubbed some Frankincense or DigestZen on his coat in places he would lick or on his sister whom he groomed all the time. He was puking many times a day until we figured out the side effect of food with fish was making him sick. 

Having Frankincense and ZenGest in the diffuser made all the difference in making the rest of his life more comfortable. His sister Rascal and myself benefited from them as well as we dealt with the knowledge that we were loosing him. 

I am grateful that I had essential oils to aid in lowering his suffering. I am grateful that we had Patchouli for in the diffuser to help Rascal move through the grieving process after her was gone. 

If you would like more information on how to use your essential oils safely on your pet, or learn about using acupressure on your pet please fill out the form below, I would be happy to help you.

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